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KULTURpur - Wissen, wo was läuft!

Mudac - Museum für Design und angewandte zeitgenössische Kunst

Place de la Cathédrale 6
1005 Lausanne
Tel.: 021 325 35 30


Di-So 11.00-18.00 Uhr
Jul,Aug: zus.: Mo 11.00-18.00 Uhr

This is not a bottle!

18.11.2015 - 05.05.2016

Collaboration with the Musée valaisan de la vigne et du vin in Sierre Wine has always been an important part of Switzerland's history, and remains so today. The two museums accordingly decided to investigate the containers that carry the precious beverage from the cellar to the table. The intention is not to recount the history and usage of the glass bottle, but to map out the relationship between these functional receptacles and contemporary glass design. Although design plays around with function and utility, the interest of museum pieces lies precisely in the fact that they are no longer used! Selected objects are staged in a way that emphasises this paradox, showcasing the different aspects of the bottle today and, by association, sketching an outline of historical drinkers and their contemporary counterparts. This is not a bottle explores the many facets of the bottle, including functionality, industrial design and creative expression.

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